
The Privilege of Helping People

It is a real privilege to help people, most of the time for complete strangers, who take a complete leap of faith in trusting you. They trust that you can understand and help them unravel the mess in their heads so that they can make sense of it all.

Sometimes the people we help know what they need to fix and some know how to fix it, but one of the quirks of being human is that we find it extremely difficult to fix our own internal, psychological problems. The wonderful Einstein quote is very fitting, “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” So basically our self created problems in our own minds are impossible to fix with our own minds.

I know this all too well personally, I have tried and failed on numerous occasions because I am stubborn. I have learned though.

It is enormously rewarding when you get feedback from someone that you have helped, particularly when they explain how and why. This video is the most recent feedback I have had and I could not be happier for this gentleman that he has had the breakthrough that he describes and look forward to seeing him go from strength to strength.

Thank you Steve Beedie for this amazing testimonial, you are an absolute gent.

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